Don’t Want To Wait For Time Travel?

The future is out there — the genetically grown gold, the bio-brains (they’re like two brains in one!), and yes, the time machines. In the future, time travel is commonplace, a vacation, and for some a vocation. So where do all the future time travelers go? The far future is amusing, especially after the wars are over, but mostly, travelers go backward or “downstream” in time. Time travelers are literally everywhere, turning over the rocks and stones of history. They show up in the background of old newsreel footage; they get captured by supermarket surveillance cameras, and they stroll by you on the street. You’ve probably passed someone dressed clearly out-of-date; remember that guy with the parachute pants and the M.C. Hammer hair too deep into the 90’s? That’s right: time traveler. The point is, you don’t have to wait for time travel to be invented because time travelers are already here. All you need to do is find a way to cozy up to one and tell him to scoot over because you’re coming along for the ride.

27 thoughts on “Don’t Want To Wait For Time Travel?”

  1. Love this! Like that time on the bus when my brother said “If time travel is possible why aren’t people from the future here already?” and a total stranger looked at us and said, “Who say’s we’re not?” Freaked us out for a week.

  2. This is my request, I know that you guys exist, and I’ve seen the messages you left me through various means…This is my calling please contact me. I am ready.

  3. I would like to be contacted as well, at least to be shown where said “portal” can be found, if not taken to the future with a traveller him/herself.

    1. Come back and frequent the official contact hub of your Time Authority. Portals are certainly tricky to find but might be closer than you think. Also, time slices, cracks, and crevices are available for the traveler to step through.

      1. I believed I am not part of this time… and many things here makes sense to me… did i got caught by a TA? How can I find my way home?

      2. Isn’t it just easier to soul travel to different dimensions and time zones? That way you can experience and interact without endangering the physical timelines. Plus, if you get chomped by a dinosaur you just jump back into your body.

  4. If there is no more privacy in the future, that means it’s the war between time travellers in our time line and stakes are scary …like

  5. You do realize that would put the stream in danger and there for change the outcome of “the present” in some way shape or form. In other words… it’s dangerous.

  6. I want to time travel to the year 2036. If you’re a time traveler I really want to do this. Don’t leave me here! I need adventure please!

    1. Your Time Authority has been notified. In fact, your simple attention to this early meeting place for those who want to travel, is noted by the TA.

  7. Great escapism to the past…. too many “natural” man-made disasters in the future …. earth-quakes everywhere… watch out for the underwater wars…north sea submarine division…and private firms with their lethal movement tracking and laser-zapping boxes…no more burglars breaking into warehouses…but screw the average mans home!!
    And watch out everyone… For the many tsunamis. ..EVERYWHERE

    1. Maybe that will be nature’s way of restoring balance, who knows.

      Anyway… on a more cheerier note, happy new year everybody!

      Here’s to the future… or the past 😉

  8. Hey! TA… contact me. and please keep it in the conscious memory bank. also,, there must be a way to observe all this outside linear time. or is this above and beyond the T.A.

  9. I’d come. I wish I could travel in a blue police box but anything will suit me. I’m a nice person and don’t need much. Let me know when you are off to another time zone.
    From Russia with love.

  10. I want to know that this is real. You set up a website in 2014 from the future, right? I have always thought time travelers walked among us. I spent this last summer investigating online and ran across Andrew Brrrjh

    1. The Time Authority is real. 2014 is a time when the Authority broadcasts its message and this message has to start somewhere be it 14, 18, 23 — whenever. If you have stories of travelers walking amongst us, please share.

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