Some Seeding Required

“Seeding Your Timeline” Found Footage

Your Time Authority is hard at work throughout the stream of time. “Some Seeding Required”. Some say the timeline has been seeded all throughout history to ready the future and past for the eventuality of time travel. Seeding comes in many forms, just as a gardener tends to her farm with a wide variety of tools. It seems one such “seed” come as “teasers” or video advertisements. Those who have paid close attention to these archives as well as associated time travel history will know items are constantly being left behind or “dropped” on the timeline. These drops are noted closely by those who really care — be it the TA or other less respectable institutions for time security and linear integrity, (your Authority will detail these organizations and rank their damage-threat to the timeline in a future post).

Time travel promotion items are being left along the path forward on what will be eventual and normalized travel through time. Some of these items are: time travel guides (both brand new and heavily work and notated),  informational disks wrapped in protective tin foil, or as content on mysterious websites. It only makes sense that as the inevitable transition into a time traveling future draws closer, more items will be left behind for “finding” or as put before: the seeding has begun!

Your current TA, or the TA of this era, exists as little more than a skeleton crew of future-forward travelers. This early-on TA waits anxiously for news from the TA which exists in full power further along the timeline. As we here at the current TA wait for our numbers to grow, we steadily receive the seeds that will help grow our future organization from the others.

2 thoughts on “Some Seeding Required”

  1. Good news! I’ll be on the lookout for any of these wrapped packages or others that you mentioned.

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